Saturday, November 3, 2012

The Arts and Eats Tour was a great success for the Allegan County artists I spoke with.  Our shop had many visitors who had never been here before.  I heard lots of "I have heard about you."  or "I always wanted to stop by."  I hope they all enjoyed their stop as much as I did and will return.

The leaves were in peak color that weekend but began dropping in earnest the following week.  Even though we had already "picked up" several loads of leaves earlier in the month, it took both of us a good two days to have the yards around the house "clean" again.  We have many trees around us and gave up the hand raking a few years ago.  Here is my "picker upper", Gene's is a bit larger.

Then the Superstorm Sandy hit the east coast.  We were glued to the tv and internet sadly watching the tragedy unfold and feeling so helpless.  Thankfully our son and girlfriend had a safe place to stay for a few days and miraculously were able to return home this past Wed.  Our hearts and what little we can do to help are with the stricken still.  I was surprised at how quickly those winds did reach us here in the midwest.  It didn't take long for our temperatures to drop...oh, and those leaves we didn't pick up in the pasture are now in the yards.

I don't mean to downplay the catastrophe the east coast is and will be dealing with for awhile by detailing our annual clean up.  They will remain in our prayers. 


CrochetBlogger said...

It's a little weird, isn't it, how our everyday lives just go on as things like Sandy unfold in other parts of the country. Glad to hear that your family there was safe.

Barbara Marr said...

Yes, it is. I couldn't post last week because I felt almost guilty that we were being so blessed.